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Critical Perspectives of Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - VictimFocus Academy Online Course

Critical Perspectives of Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - VictimFocus Academy Online Course

Regular price £69.00
Regular price £199.00 Sale price £69.00
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Course Description
Approximately 15-20 hours of online learning at your own pace

An advanced course exploring the evidence, challenges and critical perspectives of child sexual exploitation and abuse theory, practice and research. Learners will engage with video lectures, slides, notes and reading tasks to increase their critical understanding of CSE and CSA. 

Learning Objectives:
  • To explore the way the definitions of child sexual exploitation and abuse developed and evolved
  • To consider the way language changes the way we perceive victims of CSE and CSA
  • To explore research and practice evidence in CSE and CSA practice 

Why use VictimFocus Learning Academy?

VictimFocus Learning Academy courses are a brilliant asset to help any professionals working with trauma. Expand your knowledge and skill base with a multitude of peer reviewed, CPD accredited courses. Our topics cover a wide range of issues that may affect people working in a lot of different industries. If you work for the following you may find some of the courses useful:
      - Police
      - Healthcare
      - Social care
      - Education 
      - Child care 
      - Therapists
      - Psychiatrists
      - Professionals working with trauma

Our mission is to challenge victim blaming across the globe. We believe in a trauma informed medical model and continue to change, challenge and influence.
Together we can make a difference!

*If you are purchasing this on behalf of someone else, kindly let us know the relevant details (including learners' name and email address) in the Notes section within Checkout. Thank you!


What our learners say: 

This entire course has been eye opening for me for a number of reasons. I am entering into a new career working closely with children from the age of 12 as well as adults. I am relieved to have been given the chance and opportunity to study this material now.

In regards to grooming, this course has provided me with an insight into how our practice can be just as harmful as the experiences these individuals have already had to endure. This module has been insightful in regards to how, as a professional, I can use the tools available to me to benefit the client/survivor not re-traumatise or embed a negative narrative that they are somehow to blame or be held responsible.

I work within the Rape and Sexual Assault sphere and can’t begin to describe how informative it was, even for someone who has been in this area of work for a while. I will be continuing my learning with VictimFocus.

Jennifer, Qualified Counsellor, Support and Advocacy within the Rape
and Sexual Assault sphere


I feel much more powerfully able to challenge practice, and that I will be able to justify and back up my challenges with rational argument and analysis. I now understand why I have instinctively been describing what an individual needs professionals to do to engage, rather than listing 'diagnoses' and will do my best to communicate that frame of mind to colleagues. 

This has been a brilliant course and really sings to my heart & soul in terms of the practice I want to encourage and achieve. Thank you.
Safeguarding Nurse, NHS, UK

This course has allowed me to reframe some of my therapeutic practices and help with the kind of counselor I want to be. It has also validated a lot of my moral compass and belief in the sexual violence field.
This course has made me realise there is still so much more to do but I can use this knowledge to help inform others and change parts that I can control.

Trauma Lead for a counselling service for people who have experienced trauma and addiction, North East England

I thought I understood the grooming process but this has not only provided valuable information, it has changed the way I think and understand the grooming of children online, a hard lesson but such a valuable one.

I have changed the way I think or talk about children subjected to CSE/CSA. I can now see that some of the language I have used was poor and inappropriate, not out loud to a client, but definitely to myself and to colleagues. I think we all like to believe we are incapable of this, especially when we do work in the field of sexual violence, but if that’s all we have been taught, that is what we tend to do.

My awareness of victim blaming, thanks to Dr Jessica Taylor and this course, has already changed my practice and will continue to do so. I now understand so much more clearly why we victim blame, how deep our reasons are for doing it. But we have to keep thinking and talking about this. Helping other people, family, friends and colleagues to understand what victim blaming does and the impact it has on children who have been abused.

Already I am talking to family, friends and colleagues about victim blaming. Mainly people have listened and understood, and want to know more. This gives me such hope for the future.

Independent Sexual Violence Advisor for a Domestic & Sexual Abuse charity, UK

This course has taught me so much. 

I'm so glad I have had the opportunity to do it now, relatively early in my career. 
I have been in meetings with professionals where a victim blaming approach was used to express concerns and assess victims and their so-called risks. I now feel confident I will be a better advocate and support for my client if this happens again in future.

This training has inspired me to want to continue to learn and evolve with the latest evidenced-based research I have available to me so I can better support and do my job to the best of my ability.

It's like Maya Angelou said: “You do your best until you know better. When you know better you do better!”

Thank you so much for the amazing training and your continued commitment to sharing your research and understanding with all of us. This work will do so much good in the world.

Domestic Abuse Support Worker, UK


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